
Thursday, January 23, 2014

I Love My Son much as I'm capable of loving anyone.

My heart aches for him often.  He's a young adult, struggling in college, working part time.

We had an argument over the phone today.  Until it was resolved, and all was cool between us later, I was stressed, and sad.

I wish he could experience for two seconds how I feel about him, both the joy and the sorrow.  I'm afraid to die thinking he doesn't know I love him, how proud I am of him.

He is strong and courageous, stands up to me even in my lowest, craziest moments.  Sometimes that's good, sometimes it's not, cuz' he can really be a foolish kid .. pain in the ass ....sometimes.......  Most of the time we're good.


  1. If someday he is blessed to be a Father, he will totally understand. He is the better for your love, that's all you can concentrate on right now.

    1. Wow a comment !!

      I hope so, then I can pass on my Mother's curse to him,"may you have a son just like you",'s really a blessing, helps me appreciate my Mom and Dad, maybe the circle will continue.
